Performance Testing

Performance Testing

Performance testing is a type of testing where the software application is tested for different parameters such as speed,reliability, scalability,etc. It also detects and eliminates any bottlenecks found in the software application.

Different types of Performance testing are carried out at TechCryptors: Load testing: Load testing means testing the software application under load and analyzing its behavior for the same. Stress testing: Stress testing is used to find out how the software system works under situations which are disimilar from the normal situations like various users working at the same time on the software. Spike testing: Spike testing is done when the system is suddenly loaded with a lot of users for a short period of time and to analyze whether the system can stand such a situation. Endurance testing: This testing is performed to check whether the system of the software can handle the expected workload over a short period of time. Volume testing: Volume testing means how the software application reacts to different amounts of data or volumes of data added to the respective database.

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