3D Game Development

About 3D Game Development

Unity is software which is used by beginners as well as professionals in game development. It is used for Mobile and Computer game development Unity is a cross-platform game engine developed by Unity Technologies and used to develop video games for PC, consoles, mobile devices and websites. First announced only for OS X, at Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference in 2005, it has since been extended to target 27 platforms. 

         Nintendo provides free licenses of Unity 5 to all licensed Nintendo Developers along with their software development kits (SDKs) for the Wii U and Nintendo 3DS Family Unity should interest anybody who wants to easily create 3D games and applications for mobile, desktop, the web, and consoles. 30,000+ Openings in Game Development today! Highest Paid Jobs in Game Development due to scarcity of skills. The classes are designed to demonstrate best practices for solving common Game development problems. Each class explains the steps required to solve a problem or implement a feature, with code snippets for you to use within your own apps.

What will you learn???

● How to Make real games app for mobile and computers using unity.
● Learning to use tools available in Unity
● Developing your own Unity Game Applications
● Movement Application
● Game Development
● Adding Graphics to Unity Game
● How to Convert Game into 3D Mode.

Course Content

Section 1: Getting Started with Unity

  • Introduction to Unity: Overview of the Unity interface, assets, and scene setup.
  • Creating a New Project: How to start a new Unity project and set up the development environment.
  • Unity Interface: Begin by giving an overview of the Unity interface, explaining the layout of windows, tabs, and panels.
  • Creating and Managing Projects: Teach participants how to create new Unity projects, save them, and manage project settings.
  • Scene Setup: Explain the concept of scenes in Unity and guide participants in creating a new scene for their game.
  • Importing Assets: Show participants how to import 3D models, textures, and audio assets into Unity. Emphasize the importance of asset organization.
  • Terrain Creation: If relevant to your game, teach how to create terrains using Unity’s terrain tools. Discuss how to sculpt terrain and add textures.

Section 2: Building the Game Environment

  • Lighting: Introduce lighting concepts and teach how to set up lighting for scenes.
  • Particle Systems: If you want to include special effects like rain or snow, introduce particle systems and how to create and customize them.
  • GameObject Basics: Introduce the concept of GameObjects, showing how to create, manipulate, and organize them in the Hierarchy window.
  • Prefab System: Explain the prefab system in Unity and how to create, modify, and reuse prefabs for game objects.
  • Physics and Colliders: Teach the basics of Unity’s physics engine, including Rigidbody components and colliders for objects like the player character and obstacles.
  • UI Text: Explain how to use UI Text components to display in-game text, such as scores, timers, and messages.
  • UI Buttons: Teach participants how to create UI buttons and how to wire them up to trigger game actions (e.g., starting the game, pausing, or quitting).
  • UI Images: Show how to use UI images to display background images or other visual elements on the canvas.

Section 3: Game Mechanics and Scripting

  • Basic Scripting in C#: Introduction to C# scripting in Unity.
  • Player Character Setup: Creating a 3D character, importing character models, and setting up animations.
  • Camera Setup: Configuring the main camera for third-person gameplay.
  • Player Input: Handling player input for character movement.
  • Ground and Obstacles: Creating the ground plane and obstacles for the game environment.
  • Character Movement: Implementing character movement (running, jumping, sliding).
  • Tree Placement: Teach participants how to place trees in the game world. You can demonstrate how to use the Unity terrain system for this purpose.
  • Variety and Randomization: Discuss the importance of variety in the environment and how to randomize tree placement to create a more natural look.

Section 4: Game Elements and Testing

  • Scoring System: Creating a scoring system for the game.
  • Game Over Condition: Implementing a game over condition when the player collides with obstacles.
  • Game State Management: Managing game states (start, play, game over) and transitions.
  • Collectibles Coins: Adding collectible coin items for extra points.
  • Coin Texture: Explain how to apply textures to the coin model to give it a distinctive appearance.
  • Spawning Collectibles: Demonstrate how to spawn coins throughout the game world, making sure they are placed at strategic and challenging locations.
  • Coin Animation: Teach participants how to animate the coins to give them a sparkling or rotating effect, making them visually appealing.
  • Water Shader: Explain the basics of creating a water shader using Unity’s Shader Graph or a pre-made water shader package from the Asset Store.
  • Animating Water: Show participants how to animate the water surface to simulate flowing water, ripples, or waves using water asset package.
  • Game Testing: Testing and debugging the game for issues and glitches.
  • Multiple Tasks & Many More Applications: Once you’ve got a grip on the basics, we can explore more advanced topics and applications.
  • Doubt Solving Session: Learning game development can be challenging, and questions are bound to arise. We’ll schedule regular doubt-solving sessions where you can ask questions, clarify doubts, and get the help you need to progress smoothly.

Note For Certification

TECH CRYPTORS is an ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY, also in COLLABORATION with shaastra, INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, madras. Certification will be with Significance of above for attended TRAINING COURSE. Also, every certificate will have a Unique Certificate Number, which will be helpful WORLDWIDE to verify the validity of every individual certificate using www.techcryptors.com, which will have the participant’s name, course name, date & other required details.
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