Electronic Component Selling

Being the heart and soul of any electronics device or project having a good and efficient PCB designing is necessary. Designing a great PCB layout with an equally good quality print can be the difference in good and great product. With out vast industry contacts, we provide both PCB designing & printing facilities. Along with our trusted suppliers, we provide sourcing of high quality PCB components

01. Microcontrollers & Microprocessors

We offer a wide range of controllers and processors along with all the programming and
development boards like 8086 microprocessor and many more.

02. Sensors

We have a plethora of high quality sensors with varying degrees of precision. So you
can always find perfect fit for your device or project

03. Motors

Having build a number of projects & circuits, we understand the needs for high
quality motor. Be it a basic DC motor or Servo or Stepper, we offer great quality of
motors for all your applications.

04. Integrated Circuits

Longevity and performance of any circuits depends on the quality of components.
We offer you a wide range of ICs from the most reliable sources so you never have to
worry about your circuit’s reliability

05. Peripheral Components

One bad cable or a leaky capacitor might fail your circuit during a critical function.
We offer you with best quality of components like inductors, capacitors, cables etc.

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