Arduino Exploration

Student will learn to create IOT devices using Arduino. They will gain a solid understanding of Arduino fundamentals, including its components, programming language, and development environment.

Arduino Exploration

We have Trained professionals from

Introduction to Coding.

Introduction to Arduino & Hands-on Hardware explanation,

Understanding practically what are Microcontrollers,Microprocessors.

Software & Driver Distribution.

Arduino IDE Introduction & understanding tool.

Start with coding.

Understanding and writing 1st code.

Creating code to Blink LED & performing connection of LED to Arduino.

Creating code to control Buzzer periodically & performing connection of Buzzer to Arduino.

Making code to Control Buzzer with LED.

Understanding the Concept behind RGB LED.

Creating logic & code for controlling RGB LED.

Making code to Control RGB LED With another component.

Understanding the Concept behind DC Motor & Motor Driver.

Controlling motor using Arduino and Motor Driver.

Understanding the Concept of Potentiometer for Arduino.

Understanding the basics of robotics and how Arduino can be used.

Coding and understanding practically the concept of PWM with POT.

Tech Cryptors
Yes. Tech Cryptors is ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY under IAF. Also, we are in collaboration with Shastra INDIAN INSTITUTES TECHNOLOGY Madras. CERTIFICATION will have the significance of the above.
We conduct this course in BOTH online and offline modes. You can choose the mode suitable for you, even you can SWITCH modes for a couple of lectures in case of any personal issues and emergencies.
In one batch we allow MAXIMUM 4 students Because we believe that to have a better understanding and to excel in this course PERSONAL ATTENTION is needed.
We have new batches starting every 15 days, But you should register asap for your desired date because our batches are filling fast. Batch timings are also kept AS PER YOUR TIME CONVENIENCE, we don’t have any rigid preassigned slots.
Well, you can SCROLL DOWN and click on WHATSAPP CHAT text OR CLICK HERE to talk with our customer care executive. We are happy to help you with all of your questions and details.

Coding to control Intensity of LED with POT & Getting output.

Coding to control Intensity of Buzzer with POT & Getting output.

Coding to control Intensity of Motor with POT & Getting output.

Understanding practically working behind IR Sensor.

Learn Coding to read values of Infra-Red Sensor.

Calibrating IR Sensor with Arduino.

Controlling the direction of MOTOR using IR Sensor.

Coding to control RGB LED With Motor.

Learn coding techniques to interpret data from the Ultrasonic Sensor.

Calibrate and integrate the Ultrasonic Sensor with Arduino for accurate measurements.

Use coding skills to control the direction of a motor based on Ultrasonic Sensor readings.

Develop coding proficiency to retrieve and interpret temperature values from the LM35 sensor.

Calibrate the LM35 Temperature Sensor with Arduino for precise temperature monitoring.

Implement coding strategies to control RGB LED based on temperature readings from the LM35 sensor.

Understanding IoT and how Arduino can be used in IoT projects.

Note For Certification

TECH CRYPTORS is an ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY, also in COLLABORATION with shaastra, INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, madras. Certification will be with Significance of above for attended TRAINING COURSE. Also, every certificate will have a Unique Certificate Number, which will be helpful WORLDWIDE to verify the validity of every individual certificate using

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Validated by Ethereum

Tech Cryptors
Original Price

₹26,999 /Course

Current Price

₹19,999 /Course



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