Alteryx Designer

Uncover the secrets of data analytics and visualization with our specialized Alteryx training course. Learn the alchemical process of extracting, transforming, and working with data across various tabs and processes

Alteryx Designer

Tech Cryptors Alteryx Training Course is the best course designed to equip participants with the necessary skills to excel in analytics, machine learning, and data science.

Through hands-on exercises and expert guidance, you’ll learn to harness the power of Alteryx to automate analytics workflows and accelerate digital transformation. Join Tech Cryptors Alteryx Course for Professionals in Mumbai, India which helps professionals from all around the globe to create several different block systems using Alteryx for clearing data, adding some extra features to it, performing several different analytics options, and doing automation which eventually results in making their work easy and graceful.

We have Trained professionals from

Introduction to Data Analytics & Visualization

What is Atleryx Designer

Installation of Alteryx & understanding what is Alteryx Designer with basic tools practically.

Read multiple datasheets at the same time and review them in single sheet

Browse tool to check and verify output of Alteryx flow

Understanding Alteryx Data Types

Text input tool to create own data input by adding data manually

Explorer box tool to display a web page, file directory, or file in an adjustable box on the canvas

Tool container tool to organize tools in a workflow

Sort tool to arrange the records in a table in alphanumeric order based on the values of the specified data fields

Output data tool to write results of a workflow to supported file types

Data cleansing tool to fix common data quality issues

Input data tool to add data to your workflow by connecting it to a file

Select tool to include, exclude, and reorder the columns of data that pass through your workflow

Auto field tool to set smallest possible size relative to the data contained within the column

RecordID tool to set unique ids for every record from datasheet

Sample tool to select set of records or random records from datasheet

Union tool to combine 2 or more datasets on column names or positions

Filter tool to select records on the basis of condition

alteryx training course
Yes. Tech Cryptors is ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY under IAF. Also, we are in collaboration with Shastra INDIAN INSTITUTES TECHNOLOGY Madras. CERTIFICATION will have the significance of the above.
We conduct this course in BOTH online and offline modes. You can choose the mode suitable for you, even you can SWITCH modes for a couple of lectures in case of any personal issues and emergencies.
In one batch we allow MAXIMUM 4 students Because we believe that to have a better understanding and to excel in this course PERSONAL ATTENTION is needed.
We have new batches starting every 15 days, But you should register asap for your desired date because our batches are filling fast. Batch timings are also kept AS PER YOUR TIME CONVENIENCE, we don’t have any rigid preassigned slots.
Well, you can SCROLL DOWN and click on WHATSAPP CHAT text OR CLICK HERE to talk with our customer care executive. We are happy to help you with all of your questions and details.

Formula tool to create new columns, update columns, and use 1 or more expressions to perform a variety of calculations and operations

Multi-row formula tool to create condition by using row data into it

Formula tool to create new columns, update columns, and use 1 or more expressions to perform a variety of calculations and operations

Join tool to combine 2 inputs based on common fields between the 2 tables

Join Multiple tool to combine 2 or more inputs based on a commonality between the input tables

Find and replace tool to search for, find and replace text within your workflow

Cross tab tool to pivot the orientation of data in a table by moving vertical data fields onto a horizontal axis

Text to columns tool to take the text in one column and split the string value into separate, multiple columns

RegEx (Regular Expression) tool to leverage regular expression syntax to parse, match, or replace data

Date time now tool to return a single record: The Date and Time at the workflow runtime, and convert the value into the string format of your choosing

alteryx training course

Summarize tool to perform various Actions (functions and calculations) on your data

Transpose tool to pivot the orientation of the data table

Arrange tool to manually transpose and rearrange your data fields for presentation purposes

Directory tool to return a list of all the files in the specified directory

Generate rows tool to create new rows of data at the record level

Imputation tool to replace a specified value within one or more numeric data fields with another specified value

Multi-field binning tool allows the data to be binned on multiple fields

Oversample field tool to maintain same ratio of different categories in datasheet

Random % sample tool to return an expected number of records that result in a random sample of the incoming data stream

Make group tool to take data relationships and assemble the data into groups based on those relationships

Fuzzy match tool to identify non-identical duplicates of a dataset by specifying match fields and similarity thresholds

XML parse tool to parse Extensible Markup Language (XML) into individual fields

Count records tool to return a count of the number of records that pass through the tool

Running total tool to calculate a cumulative sum on a numeric field per record

Weighted average tool to calculate the weighted average of an incoming data field

Table tool to create a data or pivot table to output in a report

Render tool to transform report snippets into presentation-quality reports in a variety of formats

Email tool to send an email for each row/record in your data stream

Image tool to make it possible for an image to be output in a report

Introduction to Data Analytics & Visualization

Insight tool to create interactive dashboards to use to gain deeper insights

Interactive chart tool to visualize data in workflow

Layout tool to arrange two or more reporting snippets to output as a report

Report header tool to set up and place a header onto report

Report text tool to create a text element to output in a report

Report footer tool to set up and place a footer onto report

Overlay tool to place reporting snippets on top of one another

Text box tool to display a free-form text box in an app

Numeric up down tool to display a numeric control in an app

Drop down tool to display a single selection list in an app or macro to an end-user

Date tool to display a calendar in an app

File browse tool to display a file browse control in an app

Folder browse tool to display a folder browse control in an app

Check box tool to display a check box option to the end-user in an app

Condition tool to test for entered values and return either true or false

Hands-on Training and expert guidances with Tech Cryptors Alteryx tutorial course

Prepares you for the prestigious Alteryx Designer Core Certification

Note For Certification

TECH CRYPTORS is an ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY, also in COLLABORATION with shaastra, INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, madras. Certification will be with Significance of above for attended TRAINING COURSE. Also, every certificate will have a Unique Certificate Number, which will be helpful WORLDWIDE to verify the validity of every individual certificate using

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Tech Cryptors
Original Price

₹20,999 /Course

Current Price

₹16,999 /Course



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