C Programming
Embarking on the Exciting Journey of Learning C-Language Basics with C Kids Training

About C-Language Programming
Our C programming language training will provide you with a comprehensive introduction to the language, giving you the skills necessary to write robust, efficient, and secure code. You’ll learn about the fundamentals of the language, including its syntax, data types, control structures, functions, and more. Additionally, you’ll gain an understanding of the C libraries and be able to utilize them in your own projects.
Course Content
★ Understanding the concept of C programming
★ Installing the software required for C programming i.e. Dev-C++ & understanding to use it
★ Learn different data types in C programming
★ Learn to use different operators and different their types
★ Learn how the system generates any number to binary and vice versa
★ Learn to get input from users in different ways
★ Learn different conditional statements in C programming and how to use them
★ Learn to create nested if-else statements
★ Learn to use different loop statements for different conditions
★ Learn about loop statements with their applications
★ Learn to create an infinite loop using different loop statements
★ Learn what is functions and how to create them in different ways
★ Learn what is storage class in C programming with their applications
★ Learn different types of the array in C programming
★ Learn how to create and manipulate string variable
★ Learn what is structure in C programming and how to use it
★ Understanding the concept of C++ programming
★ software required for C++ programming i.e. Dev-C++ & understanding to use it
★ Learn different data types in C++ programming
★ Learn to use different operators and different their types in c++
★ Learn how the system generates any number to binary and vice versa in c++
★ Learn to get input from users in different ways in c++
★ Learn different conditional statements in C++ programming and how to use them
★ Learn to create nested if-else statements in c++
★ Learn to use different loop statements for different conditions in c++
★ Learn about loop statements with their applications in c++
★ Learn to create an infinite loop using different loop statements in c++
★ Learn what is functions and how to create them in different ways in c++
★ Learn what is storage class in C++ programming with their applications

★ Learn different types of the array in C++ programming
★ Learn how to create and manipulate string variable in c++
★ Learn what is structure in C++ programming and how to use it
★ Learn what is oops concept in c++
★ Learn class and objects concept in c++
★ Write a program to check whether the number is Armstrong number or not
★ Write a program to check whether a year is a leap year or not
★ Write a program to check whether the number is a palindrome number or not
★ Write a program to check whether the number is perfect or not
★ Write a program to check whether the number is strong number or not
★ Write a Program to sort array values in ascending/descending manner
★ Write a program to find the factorial of the given number
★ Write a program to generate different patterns with loop statements
★ Write a Program to create a game of tic-tac-toe for two players